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Maxime Barcelona


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March 28, 2025
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World Souad Massi – Cosmopolitan from Algeria

Fri, Mar 28, 2025, 20:00
Philharmonie Berlin, Chamber Music Hall (Berlin)
Souad Massi (Guitar), Souad Massi (Vocals), Maxime Barcelona (Guitar), Mokrane Adlani (Violin), Mokrane Adlani (Banjo), Guy Nsangue (Bass), Rabah Khalfa (Percussion), Maamoun Dehane (Drums)
Strong and yet vulnerable – on the international music scene, Souad Massi's voice is unmistakable. The Algerian began her career as a member of a heavy metal band, later establishing herself as a singer-songwriter in her exile home of Paris. In her songs, Souad Massis mixes elements of French chanson and Algerian music with folk rock and country music. Her music addresses existential themes such as freedom, justice and female self-determination. In her programme Sequana, she sings about the fragility of nature.